The Pause Wellness Blog

Articles, tips & resources from Martha to help you be your best self — for you and those around you.

The Magical Melon

The Magical Melon

  When I think of summer, watermelon instantly comes to mind. Not only is it the perfect way to cool down during the scorching days of July and...

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Healthy Coleslaw

Healthy Coleslaw

Not only is this a colorful recipe but it also requires no oven which is perfect for those warm evenings.       Enjoy this recipe from...

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Sweet Liberation

Sweet Liberation

       I get asked a lot, “Should I give up sugar?” and my answer is always “Yes, at least for a month.”  Sugar sweetened foods taste...

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Martha’s Current Favorite Recipes

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PAUSE Wellness is all about YOU, so we need your input as we decide what kinds of articles to write for the blog!